Currently we offer the following information:
You may also have a look at the following reports:
- Concepts for Improved Visualization of Web Link Attributes published at the 9th WWW conference.
- "The Look of the Link - Concepts for the User Interface of Extended Hyperlinks" published at the HyperText 2001 Conference.
- "Scone: Ein Framework zur evaluativen Realisierung von Erweiterungen des Webs" published at Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen - KiVS 2003 (in German).
- "Browsing Icons: A Task-Based Approach for a Visual Web History" HCIL Technical Report (CS-TR-4308), University of Maryland.
- "Comparing Link Marker Visualization Techniques -- Changes in Reading Behavior" published at WWW 2003 Conference.
- "Automatic Support for Web User Studies with SCONE and TEA" published at CHI 2004 Conference.
- "Interactive Web Usage Mining with the Navigation Visualizer" published at CHI 2005 Conference.
- H. Weinreich, H. Obendorf, E. Herder: "Data Cleaning Methods for Client and Proxy Logs" in WWW 2006 Workshop Proceedings
- H. Weinreich, H. Obendorf, E. Herder, M. Mayer: "Off the Beaten Tracks: Exploring Three Aspects of Web Navigation" in WWW 2006 Proceedings
- H. Weinreich, H. Obendorf, E. Herder, M. Mayer: "Not Quite the Average: An Empirical Study of Web Use" in ACM Transaction on the Web, 2/2008, Article 5
Theses written in relation to Scone (in German):
- "Frank Wollenweber: Implementation eines Web.-Robots in das Scone-Framework" Studienarbeit (Baccalaureate Thesis), University of Hamburg, 2002.
- "Torsten Haß: Java in heterogenen Umgebungen: Konzepte der Interaktion zwischen Javaprogrammen und Web-Browsern zur Erfassung von Benutzeraktionen" Studienarbeit (Baccalaureate Thesis), University of Hamburg, 2002.
- "Volkert Buchmann: Multiple Links im World-wide web: Entwicklung eines Client/ Server-Navigationswerkzeuges mit dem Framework Scone" Studienarbeit (Baccalaureate Thesis), University of Hamburg, 2002.
- "Frank Wollenweber: Kollaborative Nutzung des World Wide Webs" Diplomarbeit (Masters Thesis), University of Hamburg, 2004.
- "Torsten Hass: Konzeption und Implementation eines Werkzeugs zur Unterstützung partizipativer Benutzbarkeitstests von Websites" Diplomarbeit (Masters Thesis), University of Hamburg, 2004
More to come...
For more Information please contact Harald Weinreich
Last Update: 02-Feb-2009